I find that Hot and Active give you really old stuff, at least on my instance, that’s like 3-7 days old stuff. New is just new, you know new, no community-assured quality. Top is stuff I’ve already seen. Where do I get a better feed? Can we have like Top 7 hours? Or a mixture of “top 16 hours” and “active”?

What do you do when browsing Lemmy? What are some of your strategies to get good shit while being here? Cuz so far if I try and use the front pages I get bored to shit.

The way I get anything barely worth interacting with from the front page is New Comments. Not the best, but better than the other options I discussed.

That or just, instead of interacting with a lot of stuff, interacting deeply with the few things I find that I like.

  • GodOP
    31 year ago

    You’re putting me to shame and I’ve really been trying.


    well i didn’t know it was hard, maybe i’m just a shitposter cuz i don’t think about it much, i just go for it, and i try not to leave any comment unanswered, even if the answer is only partial. i do have some training in shitpostery. It was at the shitposter special forces on steemit.com where you got money for shitposting a shitton. I guess I kept the habit of never shutting up cuz that’s what brings dem monies over there.

    • @imaqtpieA
      21 year ago

      Lmao hey man, whatever works. Sh.itpost away if it’s stimulating engagement on this platform. We gotta get to at least a million users before I start to relax and feel like Lemmy is here to stay

      • GodOP
        11 year ago

        Lol do consider that steem and hive never even got to a million and they stayed. They have had at their top, each, around 60-100k active users per day or month, not very sure. Lemmy is a long way from that, true, but you don’t reaaally need a million to consider a platform stable. Especially one like this that has such fast feedback for your actions. Attention junkies are gonna drown this shit once they find out how rewarding it is to be here. Long story short: don’t worry, we good :)

        • @imaqtpieA
          21 year ago

          Yeah I don’t even know about steem and hive. Listen, I feel great about where we are at, we just made it into the top 5 biggest fediverse platforms. But I also expected more people to come over during the reddit blackout, tbh.

          There is a whole spectrum of social media sites, and we need to at least 10x to provide something close to the range of discussion that you used to find on reddit. This is great right now, but I also want to continue building and reach the next phase at some point. I’m ambitious yo. We are going to bring reddit to it’s knees so that spez can suck my dick.

          • GodOP
            21 year ago

            But I also expected more people to come over during the reddit blackout, tbh.

            I honestly didn’t and was actually surprised hahah. I knew we’d get a lot of ppl but I thought it wouldn’t explode at all. I thought it was just gonna be a big little thing and have some loyals and that’s it. We’ve gone way past my expectations.

            The main reason why I didn’t think we’d get here is because Lemmy is honestly not for the layman at first sight. It’s complicated, it’s a mess with all the choices for instances and types of things you can do to start, many communities are small and/or nonexistent, the UI is an utter mess (see OP) and it’s just not tooo welcoming. I know many will not stay and our active member percentage when compared to total member count will go down massively but… it still surprises me very much.

            This is great right now, but I also want to continue building and reach the next phase at some point

            That is a very good point and I 100% agree with you. We’ve got something cool. We ought to make it better, and to make it so others do as well. That’s one of the reasons why I made /c/plugins, I kinda want to incentivize independent ppl to work on improving stuff.

            We are going to bring reddit to it’s knees so that spez can suck my dick.


            mine too