Curious how big the gap was with the API costs.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Indeed, me too. The Jerboa app isn’t a million miles away from RiF

    If the content and comments here grow consistently and stay reasonably sane, I could see Lemmy obsoleting reddit.

    One thing I wonder about is how much confusion will occur over sub names. On reddit, there’s a r/worldnews. In Lemmy there could be hundreds of worldnews@(instance_name). Which is the best one?

    Of course name collision happens all the time at reddit (eg worldpolitics/anime-titties) but I wonder how Lemmy will cope with the slightly more complicated and potentially confusing collision domains

    • @[email protected]OP
      31 year ago

      I understand the multiple instances, but 100% agree name collisions across instances will be the biggest source of confusion. Will be curious how Lemmy tech stack and communities in general work to make this easy-ish for users.

    • corm
      11 year ago

      Is there an example of one that’s an issue right now? I think it will probably be fine to have some name conflicts, and the popular ones should bubble up.

      It’s a valid concern though

      • corm
        21 year ago

        Replied to wrong thread and can’t figure out how to delete message. Newbie life