Happy birthday 🎊🎉 GNU/Linux.

Today GNU/Linux is 32 years old.

It was thankfully released to the public on August 25th, 1991 by Linus Torvalds when he was only 21 years old student.

What a lovely journey 🤍

  • @thecrotch
    110 months ago

    I don’t want to admit using Linux because I’m worried people might confise me with annoying self righteous ideologue twats like you. Same reason I don’t identify as atheist anymore.

    Idk what you think you’re doing, but you’re not helping your cause. That much is for sure.

    • NormalC
      110 months ago

      Im sorry you’re insecure. I scream GNU because I’m not embarassed about having an opinion.

      My “cause” doesn’t include kissing your ass when you feel uncomfortable.

      • @thecrotch
        110 months ago

        Your “cause” is getting on your high horse and spewing rhetoric for countless paragraphs. Linux is nothing more than a vehicle for you to do that. If it didn’t exist, you’d find something else to fartsniff about. Fuck off.

          • @thecrotch
            110 months ago

            Of course I’m mad, you make the Linux community look like a bunch of douchebags

            • NormalC
              010 months ago

              Oh no not your precious “linux” community. I’m so sorry for your loss.