Chabot elementary in Oakland received racist and threatening emails, forcing 50 students and staff to vacate the premises

    • TheRealKuni
      -210 months ago

      Don’t fall prey to othering.

      There are plenty of conservatives who do not make bomb threats and find this kind of radicalism abhorrent. My parents, for example. I disagree with them on very many things, but they aren’t evil people. Misguided, certainly.

      • @[email protected]
        1110 months ago

        There are plenty of conservatives who do not make bomb threats and find this kind of radicalism abhorrent.

        They should speak up in contexts other than this, then.

        • TheRealKuni
          110 months ago

          They should speak up in contexts other than this, then.

          How often do you listen to conservative voices beyond those that are outrageous? Because the ones that make headlines which filter into our bubbles are outliers.

          Gotta remember everyone is in a bubble. My sister, for example, is sometimes shocked that my views are more rational and reasoned than her conservative bubble’s view of left-leaning people, which is mostly based on shock headlines.

          If your entire understanding of people different from you comes from headlines then you don’t have a good picture of who those people are. This applies to all groups of “people different from you.”

          • @[email protected]
            710 months ago

            If your entire understanding of people different from you comes from headlines then you don’t have a good picture of who those people are.

            Then they should speak up when it matters instead of whining that no one heard them not speaking up.

      • Alien Nathan Edward
        610 months ago

        Do you know what they call the guy who isn’t a Nazi but voted for the party because he likes their domestic tax policy?

        What the conservative party is and does is clear now. They’re openly racist, fascist, and Christian nationalist. They gathered at CPAC under a banner that said “We Are All Domestic Terrorists”. They regularly call for the murder of anyone who isn’t a cishet white Christian, they’re the leading source of domestic terrorism in the US, and they are constantly threatening a civil war. Anyone who still supports them at this point is knowingly complicit, no matter their stated reason.

      • @meat_popsicle
        510 months ago

        They don’t do the bomb threats themselves, but they’re certainly aligned with the terrorist interests and policy goals. They also “hold their noses” and vote conservative anyway.

        They’re not evil; they just vote for, support the policies of, and are aligned with evil.

        • TheRealKuni
          -210 months ago

          They don’t do the bomb threats themselves, but they’re certainly aligned with the terrorist interests and policy goals. They also “hold their noses” and vote conservative anyway.

          They’re not evil; they just vote for, support the policies of, and are aligned with evil.

          So I assume that when James Hodgkinson shot up Republican congresspeople playing baseball you made sure to abandon any beliefs you had in common, right? And then when the next terrorist was right wing, you switched back? Seems silly, but since we don’t want the Thought Police to think we might share views with someone who commits heinous acts we all have to do that, right?

          I mean, I don’t assume you’re evil, but we wouldn’t want to think you were aligned with evil, and what Hodgkinson did was certainly wrong.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Okay, what conservative-but-not-evil things do your parents believe?

        I understand that a lot of people vote how they’ve always voted, but the Biden administration should be as right-wing as anybody needs to go.

        Beyond that just lies shameless greed, gleeful abuse, prideful stupidity and seething bigotry. Each day it gets harder to forgive people who support that because what… They want slightly more neoliberalism?

      • @HedonismB0t
        310 months ago

        Not every conservative but when it’s domestic terrorism, it’s a conservative.