• @[email protected]
    810 months ago

    We have a limited number of builders and resources. It’s not helping by having them build a ton of mcmansions when they could be building high density condos instead.

    • Pxtl
      -210 months ago

      We don’t really know what they’d build given the choice since one of those options is generally illegal (you can get special executive permission that makes it legal, but you could say the same about murdering people in countries that have a pardoning system).

      • @[email protected]
        610 months ago

        If they can change the rules to allow building in the greenbelt, they can change the rules to allow higher density residence.

        • Pxtl
          10 months ago

          Right but I’m talking about federal and that’s provincial. In fact, Ford put together a Housing Affordability Task Force a few years back and that’s exactly what they recommended! He just… y’know… didn’t do any of it. Not sure why he even asked them in the first place.

          • @[email protected]
            310 months ago

            It boggles my mind that you think PP and his conservatives would support urbanism. Their core demographic is suburban NIMBYs. He’s just lying to swing voters.

            • Pxtl
              10 months ago

              The trick is the “half million population limit” he promised, which will make densification something he does to the Liberal cities on behalf of his exurban voter-base. And this is a specific, quantifiable promise he has mentioned repeatedly with hard numbers.

              I don’t discount the possibility he could half-ass it and let it die in consultation the way the Liberals did with electoral reform… but on the other hand, when have Conservatives ever given a shit about consultation?

              Edit: either way, I’m not saying “conservatives are good”. I hate them for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is they represent an active threat to trans friends and family.

              All I’m saying is “using the threat of municipal funding cuts to force cities to fix their planning departments and rapidly greenlight large infill developments is a good idea and the Liberals+NDP should steal it”.