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What a bunch of boners, truly.

  • FaceDeer
    1 year ago

    Not to mention that historically there have been plenty of examples of mods “ruining” their subs by deciding to change the rules, and until this point Reddit’s answer to user complaints has always been “tough shit, mods are gods, you can start a new subreddit.”

    Why isn’t that the answer now? Why not let the users who are upset by John Oliver create /r/true_pics or /r/true_aww or whatever? They always had to resort to that in the past.

    • Blakerboy777
      31 year ago

      Yes, this! I have been thinking, everytime I would have liked the Admins to step in and help, it’s been “our hands are tied”. I’m fairly certain the subreddif /r/XKCD had some weird shit going on so the main sub for it had to be like /r/XKCD_comic or some shit like that. And the Admins refused to do anything about a troll controlling the main subreddit handle. But now they mods are using their godlike powers for good, Admins can’t wait to jump in and fuck things up. I guess mods are gods only when it hurts users, but when they are actually doing what their users want- fuck em?