And I guess this question is two parts: 1. Regarding the current lemmy implementation, and 2. The activityPub protocol in general

  • @noneabove1182
    511 months ago

    I had a similar curiousity… Like if I make my own instance but it’s just myself, is that even a net positive to the network? Now there’s a new instance pulling everything I want to it, rather than another bigger instance that might have used that share subscriptions…

    • CyclohexaneOP
      211 months ago

      if it is a hindrance on the entire network, it would be interesting to explore the idea of “instance pools” in the future. Many smaller instances act as a single instance when it comes to network federation, but still maintain data separation, moderation and management. I would assume these instances would just have to have the same federation list.

      • @noneabove1182
        111 months ago

        that is a very intriguing idea I agree, basically several small P2P networks, would also enable people to add their home computer to the lemmy-verse without having to worry as much about storage requirements