Social media seems to be laughing its ass off about this tragedy, is it because the folks at burning man are perceived as frivolous hippies or something? Everyone I’ve ever met who was a regular burning man attendee has been a solid human being with strong morals, personally and financially responsible, a career. Upstanding members of society for sure. I guess all some people know is the sensationalized drugs and sex. A person died. This is a tragedy for an event that brings positivity into the world. Kind of annoyed.

  • @Kecessa
    10 months ago

    So you truly believe that all the resources they’re wasting vs the fun they have as a group is a net positive to the world? I hope this year’s fuck up is enough to shut down the event for the foreseeable future and I won’t shed a single tear or have any pity for any of them that gets hurt because of their ridiculous recreation.

    • Rhynoplaz
      710 months ago

      Do you know how much money is wasted on the Super Bowl? If there was an earthquake at the Super Bowl and it killed someone would you be there saying “Shouldn’t have wasted that money, serves you right!”

      • @Kecessa
        10 months ago

        Is the Superbowl happening in the middle of the desert in already muddy conditions even though people were warned it’s not a good idea to go? Sorry I don’t follow football.

        • Rhynoplaz
          210 months ago

          You better go find out so you know if they deserve to die or not.

          My point is, it doesn’t matter how much you know about a subject. It’s somebody’s life. Somebody lost a loved one that day, and it was a tragedy regardless of how much smarter you are than them.

          • @Kecessa
            -110 months ago

            Do you know how many people in the world die because of the North American lavish lifestyle? A whole fucking lot.

            • Rhynoplaz
              010 months ago

              That’s strangely irrelevant to the conversation, but thanks for the fun fact, I guess.

              • @Kecessa
                10 months ago

                Just pointing out that their death is pretty meaningless in the grand scheme of things especially as these are people that don’t care about the impact of their lifestyle on the life expectancy of people in poor countries (the people make all their stuff they’re addicted to).

                Anyway, they put themselves in that shit and pretend it’s about extreme survival (in a 200k$ offroad camper), so tough luck. It’s no more dramatic than the death of a westerner that decided to spend a fortune to go climb the Everest.