• @Apollo
    110 months ago

    True communism is stateless, so how can this emerge from authoritarianism?

    We could use the word oppressive or repressive if you prefer?

    I agree, liberals are as bad as tankies for justifying their repressive ideology

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      True communism is stateless, so how can this emerge from authoritarianism?

      Because history and society exist? States exist? Regardless if you are for transitional socialist state or you are some kind of utopist wanting to implement instant communism on a press of a button, that communist society will be necessarily build on a base of the current one.

      as tankies for justifying their repressive ideology

      What lack of dialectic materialism does to a mfer.

      • @Apollo
        010 months ago

        So how do you envisage communism arising from a socialist state which represses its citizens?

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          You do always discuss by asking questions this loaded? Especially after making completely outlandish claim that new society can’t be build on base of the old one? Not even posadists went that far, that sounds more like some apocalypse preaching.