Social media seems to be laughing its ass off about this tragedy, is it because the folks at burning man are perceived as frivolous hippies or something? Everyone I’ve ever met who was a regular burning man attendee has been a solid human being with strong morals, personally and financially responsible, a career. Upstanding members of society for sure. I guess all some people know is the sensationalized drugs and sex. A person died. This is a tragedy for an event that brings positivity into the world. Kind of annoyed.

  • @[email protected]
    010 months ago

    the fact that it takes place during an event doesn’t matter for this comparison as we’re trying to see how many of these people would have died if the event hadn’t taken place at all.

    Then you must be ignoring information to show the truth that you want the data to show. Events need to abide by strict OH&S guidelines. If an injury or death occurs due to the negligence of the event planners, they need to be held accountable. This means that a death at an event should be compared to other events because day-to-day life isn’t governed by OH&S.

    • @Kecessa
      110 months ago

      The truth that I want? It’s the simple statistical truth, I’m not doing any interpretation! The fact that it takes place during an event doesn’t change the fact that the death rate of the population there is lower than it is in the general population so statistically speaking if these people didn’t go more than one would have died just living there everyday lives instead of partying in the desert.

      Want me to do interpretation? You’re putting 70k persons in the middle of the desert in the US with tons of drugs, OSHA or not, death at burning man happens and it’s too be expected and considering the number of people in the place, the length of the event, what people do there and the country it’s taking place in, it’s surprising there isn’t more every year.

      This year’s is not the first and unless the event stops, it’s not the last

      No cause of death has been released for this year’s deceased, it might as well be a suicide, what could OSHA do about that exactly?

      Heck, it’s written on the fucking tickets that death rarely happen (implying they do) but injuries often do!