• @[email protected]
    -310 months ago

    No, it’s shit. Period.

    Replace “socialism” with “handout(s),” and it works. “It’s never called a handout when giving billions to banks. But it’s handouts when ever poor people receive money.” Or “Bailout == Good; Handout == Evil”.

    But calling it “socialism” makes zero sense. Making matters worse, it continues the myth that socialism is about government handouts, instead of workplace democratisation, and worker control over the means of production.

    • @sanpedropeddler
      10 months ago

      It doesn’t even say that those things are socialism. In fact to me it looks like its specifically opposing people who think handouts are socialism. Its just pointing out a double standard.

      edit: unless you mean the title I guess but that seems like a pretty minor detail to be so concerned about