I have seen many a democratic initiative ruined by trolls, bot accounts, duplicate accounts, and assholes. The best way to ensure that democracy doesn’t spiral into Haiti is to allow only financial contributors of $5 or more to vote (once the boss man has his contributions system up and running). You want to help build this community? OK, then put your money where your mouth is. To be clear, it should still be one vote per person, whether you donate $5 or $500.

  • @Derproid
    51 year ago

    Nay, but I also get where you are coming from. Maybe alternatively have it be based on contributions? Like having at least x comments over the past y weeks. That way you only need to be an active member of the community.

    • @9999monkeysOP
      21 year ago

      yes, definitely. account age and activity are alternatives. but those can very easily be faked in larger communities. the only thing that shuts the trolls and bots down 100% is a fee. but everyone is unanimously voting against, i hope history proves me wrong

      • @cyanarchy
        1 year ago

        I want to thank you for engaging in good faith even after your proposal was met with a less-than-enthusiastic response. Clearly you’re concerned with the long term health of this community. Personally, I think that there just isn’t a 100% successful way to deter bad actors. We’re going to have to deal with some of that, it’s just how public spaces made up of people are. How we approach that is going to set the tone for the type of community we wish to be.