A growing number of smaller companies are adopting a four-day workweek. Now the results of a recent trial at Microsoft suggest it could work even for the biggest businesses.

  • @OneOrTheOther2028
    31 year ago

    My workplace implemented Summer Hours. I’m remote as is, but being remote and only doing 4 days a week? My friend I feel like I finally have time to do what neuro-typical do. Although I’m still not satisfied with 40 hour work weeks, this finally feels like what people described living to feel like. No more task initiation problems, less piling backlog of health things I never have the time or availability to schedule for. Glorious

    • brownpaperbag
      31 year ago

      That sounds delightful and I’m so glad it’s helped you! Agree on the 40 hours - it should be 32 hours max.