The row centres around the exhibition ‘This is Colonialism’ and the museum’s decision to restrict white people from entering a small section of the display

Police officers are gathered in front of the Zeche Zollern museum in Dortmund, the focus of what social networks are describing as a racism scandal.

The row centres around the exhibition ‘This is Colonialism’ and the museum’s decision to restrict white people from entering a small section of the display. For several months now, Saturdays at the museum have been reserved for black people and people of colour to explore a colonialism exhibition

The museum claims the objective is not to be discriminatory, but to reserve a safe space for reflection for non-whites.

  • ElderWendigo
    1 year ago

    You’re not alone in being called a bigot here for describing bigotry. It’s absolutely nuts.

      1 year ago

      So, maybe I edited my comment and they are replying to an old version which could’ve indeed been poor, so I don’t blame them too much.

      Anyway, I’m finding out that those people who complain on the web often can’t read. Especially the type who thinks in black or white basis. They can’t see nuance. If people do see nuance, they often wouldn’t attack unless I write something really stupid.

      Simply put, that type of people can’t be argued with. They won’t see the complexity of reality. Hence, it follows that they can’t read. Maybe they are teenagers who love to write on Steam threads or something (god forbid, I love that too).

      So I often tell them they are wrong, with some explanation, yet also tell them I don’t intend to convince them (because they aren’t ready) and maybe that they have to read my text again (which they can’t).