• Bernie Ecclestoned
    -21 year ago

    Humans are responsible for crimes, not capitalism…

    Technology, specifically the computer and the internet came as a direct result of the industrial revolution and the scientific method.

    Babbage, Lovelace, Turing, Berners Lee.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      -11 year ago

      No, capitalist ideology that necessitates constant growth and capitalism is directly responsible for setting the conditions for how humans behave. Meanwhile, technology develops much faster outside capitalism as USSR has shown where nearly a century of capitalist progress was accomplished in mere decades with USSR going from an agrarian society at the time of the revolution to being the first in space.

      • Bernie Ecclestoned
        01 year ago

        Lol, the Soviet Union collapsed. How can you claim it was successful?

        Capitalism isn’t an ideology, it’s a tool. The Nordic model is the best example of using the market and social policies

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          -11 year ago

          Plenty of capitalist countries collapse, every single human society has collapsed sooner or later. You’re living in a collapsing society right now. The actual question is how well the country manages to meet the needs of its population while the system works, and USSR did a far better job meeting the needs of its people than capitalists states today can manage. USSR eliminated things like homelessness, and ensured everyone had their basic needs met. This is evidently an impossible task under capitalism. And of course, today China is the biggest growing economy that’s lifted over a billion people out of poverty. One has to be an utter ignoramus to think that communism does not work.

          Meanwhile, communism is an economic tool just the same way capitalism is, however it’s pretty obvious that both economic systems require an ideology to function. The nordic model is the best example of Europeans plundering the rest of the world to subsidize their lifestyle.