Harris Wolobah, a healthy 14-year-old from Worcester, Massachusetts, tragically died last Friday, hours after eating a single ultra-spicy tortilla chip seasoned with two of the hottest peppers in the world.

  • @[email protected]
    010 months ago

    Doesn’t seem like that applies here since the researcher said “we need more data to determine its safety”, implying it’s unsafe until we can prove it safe even though countless people eat this spicy shit every day without any noteworthy issues. He’s acting like this is the first time the human race has discovered spicy food and it’s some big mystery.

    • Madison_rogueOP
      310 months ago

      “Implying” is a very subjective word. Nowhere in the article did a doctor mention they wanted to ban peppers, just research them more to ensure their safety.

      There’s no code word phraseology here…just the intent to do more science to learn more.