Over three-fourths of Americans think there should be a maximum age limit for elected officials, according to a CBS News/YouGov survey.

  • @bakachu
    610 months ago

    I think testing for cognitive function is going to prove impossibly difficult - or at least for now. How do we set and quantify an acceptable value for cognitive function? How will we execute testing? When do we test? How often? Who will do the testing? How do we counter for potential performance drugs for test candidates? Do we notify the public on the test findings? There’s just a lot involved with making this the barrier to entry vs age or term limits.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Yeah I was wrestling with this in the same way. It’s too hard. That’s not even mentioning that cognitive function or mental acuity isn’t really a straight or constant line. You could test someone who’s off in outer space most days but you test them on the right day they’d ace any cognitive test you put in front of them.

      • @bakachu
        110 months ago

        Oh absolutely. I’m a walking, talking banana if you catch me at the wrong time or on the wrong day.

        Also, if we went this route and tested for cognitive function- I’d 100% guarantee that our politicians would be on Adderall or some other amphetamine…if they weren’t already.

    • JDPoZ
      110 months ago

      It could be a test administered anonymously and run by board certified psychologists, doctors, neurologists, etc.

      They could give a grade, and then if they fail within a certain margin, they could be put on a sort of probation, where they’d need to make a passing grade the next test or be ejected from their office.

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        I just worry this would end up disenfranchising minorities somehow. Tests for voting don’t have the best history