How Sony’s Hawk-Eye electronic line-calling system transformed the U.S. Open::CNBC got a behind-the-scenes look at Sony’s Hawk-Eye line-calling system to understand how the tech works in tennis and other major sports.

  • @Aurenkin
    -310 months ago

    So true. The game is completely unrecognisable now, basically a different sport. There was tennis before Hawk-Eye, and tennis after Hawk-Eye. Soon, the old tennis will be just a distant memory for those of us who were around when the switch happened, telling stories to our children, remembering the days before the Hawk-Eye system and chuckling to ourselves when they ask us what a line judge was. Tennis hasn’t just been transformed, no, it has evolved, it’s previous form no more recognisable or relevant to the current game than the first arthropods are to us.