Are you watching Farage!

  • @[email protected]
    1010 months ago

    It shouldn’t be, but as soon as Britain went back in, the same people who hyped up Brexit will be going, “They got us over a barrel now, see, they even took our God-ordained currency away!” Granted, they’d complain about anything, but to the masses who weren’t paying attention, it would appear as though they had a point. “We were in the EU before and we kept our same money, why do we have to change now?” Maybe I’m just cynical about the average person’s intelligence, but I think going back in, even on equal footing with every other member state, it’ll be seen as the EU “punishing” Britain, there will be resentment from the get-go.

    • @[email protected]OP
      710 months ago

      The first promise we will have to make regarding EU membership will be to join the Euro and Schengen. This is part of the newer rules for admission. So yep we will have to make aclimb down on old stuff, but many more see where the benefit is now.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      You’re not being cynical, if anything you’re being too generous about the average intelligence of us brits.

      The regions that received the most money European development fund still voted for Brexit despite having “Funded by the EU” plaques on everything and you’re expecting them to comprehend geopolitics.

      They haven’t got the luxury of thinking about that when they’re worrying about where their next meal is coming from.