I updated to V23.09.13-09:43 (92) this morning. I use list view. On all picture posts, I click the thumbnail to open them and get a black screen. I tap to close and open the pic again and it displays normally.

I’ve tried going into the app settings to force stop and clear the cache and it did not help.

  • can
    2 years ago

    Do you get a spinning loading circle or just plain black? I’m getting the loading sign on a black screen on maybe a third of posts? Using compact mode.

    Device information

    Sync version: v23.09.13-09:43    
    Sync flavor: googlePlay    
    Ultra user: true    
    View type: Compact    
    Push enabled: false    
    Device: heroltebmc    
    Model: samsung SM-G930W8    
    Android: 8.0.0