I’m going to keep posting random shit I’ve made until we gain some momentum. Feed back welcome. I’m not very good at this and mostly just imitate other things I see online while working on technique.

Here’s some other stuff I made

  • WhoDunnit?OPM
    11 year ago

    Wish u luck in the journey. I started the same way. I saw a video of Doug linker (some guy on YouTube) on Reddit. He carved a wizard face out of a stick in like 10 mins and thought “I could totally do that”

    I only cut myself twice that day lol

    Gotta start somewhere I suppose. I do recommend Doug linkers videos though if u need a place to get ideas.

    • DaveUK
      21 year ago

      Thanks for that mate, as soon as I can wrangle some time away from the kids and work and all the other stuff life throws at you I will be giving it a go!