Credit: TimeMaps

As part of a personal educational journey, I’ve been exploring early human cultures. There are a lot of great websites I’ve encountered along the way, but this one had escaped my radar until yesterday.

I grabbed the map portion from a series of posts they had about early farming and strung them all together into a gif so I could visualize it better for myself, and it ended up looking pretty neat so it seemed crazy not to share it.

The green parts of each slide show you where the farming was happening at the time. The first slide represents 10000 BCE, and each slide after is dated 1000 years further ahead in time, all the way up to the last slide at 3000 BCE, as outlined by the TimeMaps folks.

  • boydsterOP
    1 year ago

    Another way to think of it: This time lapse takes you from the dawn of farming all the way through the dawn of writing. It just seems so cool to me.