I believe as this community is essentially a parliamentary session, any vulgar or obscene commentary should be strongly discouraged. Much like the speaker of the house, moderators should consistently remind those who break the above guideline to refrain. Repeat offenders / extreme examples should be subject to a temporary ban. Thoughts?
edit: I wonder what people think is the purpose of downvotes? Do you not want to have the discussion?

  • @saltysel
    121 year ago

    Yeah, I’m not sure I agree.

    Definitely understand your point, but this is the internet after all. Will I be reprimanded if I use “fucking” or “shit” to really make a point I’m passionate about? Is it okay if the context is alright? Is it bad if I use 2 curse words but 1 is okay? Who’s to say?

    Context will be big. Straight up vulgar, hateful speech is already not allowed, so I don’t think we need to add to it unnecessarily.

      • @saltysel
        1 year ago

        I guess I assumed that if the instance has a general stance on hateful, bigoted speech then any community attached within it would have to follow suit. Especially one tied specifically to the progression of the instance’s community.

        I don’t feel like additional restrictions on Agora with that already in place is needed, imo.

        • @sweetholymosiahOP
          31 year ago

          This makes sense to me. I have to wonder how fast this community will be sidetracked with pointless comments if people wander in thinking it’s the ‘main’ sub. My thinking was - if you shouldn’t say it in a parliamentary setting, it should not be said in the Agora. Aw but that’s not fun! one might think… again I would say take it to main street. just my opinion.