My fave.

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    For some reason people get all ways extra fabulous when they make open source Software and need a fancy name instead of a great descriptive one…

    Or they could name it atleast nautilus the file explorer or something.

    • Ferk
      1 year ago

      It’s actually called “GNOME Files” nowadays. And it’s had the moniker “File Manager” for ages in the desktop entries for most distros, even if the official name was “Nautilus”.

      I actually feel the other way around… if they had just called it “File Explorer” it’d come off as if they are getting “extra fabulous”, because it implies the other file explorers are not really THE “File Explorer”.

      Imagine if when Google launched Chrome they had decided to name it “Web Browser” instead of “Google Chrome”.