I’m currently trying to outline a Space Opera novel. This will be my 5th book; my other 4 were learning experiences, so I’ll likely start over with a new pen name.

  • @HanabieOP
    21 year ago

    Gotcha. I had an image in mind of a fantasy society trying to replace their monarchy with a socialist system of governance, but your idea sounds interesting, too.

    • Quit_this_instance
      21 year ago

      There’s an element of that to it. The overarching villain represents a hostile monopolistic corpo in the analogy, and a continent-spanning emperor in the text, and “socialism” is going to be needed to defeat him.

      • @HanabieOP
        11 year ago

        How far along are you? In the concept development stage? I’m working on the individual stories that are making up my current project, and it’s not easy. Was struggling with burnout for a few months and am now trying to get back into it.

        • Quit_this_instance
          11 year ago

          I’ve written an entire book, but I’m not happy with some of the structure and am redoing a few big chunks. It’s meant to be a trilogy, and as I get into book two I’m a bit hampered by the things I’m not happy with in book 1.

          • @HanabieOP
            21 year ago

            Yeah, rewriting makes up a big chunk of the work. Hope things go well ;)