    39 months ago

    Money well spent supporting a Chinese company that has ties to the Chinese government and known espionage.

    GGG are a shell of what they were. Most of the key people have moved on to other studios.

    • sadbehr
      59 months ago

      Yep they’re owned by Tencent, however from what I’ve read, seen and experienced in game, Tencent don’t have much, if any, of an input on the development. Yes I know that Tencent staff sit on the board of GGG.

      GGG did a rough patch a few years ago, I was out of the loop and not playing then, but it seems it’s made a fine comeback.

      Lastly, if I’m not giving my money to a NZ company owned by Tencent (who I agree are very not cool), I’m most likely giving it to some equally bullshit, corrupt, money grabbing AAA developer in America so what’s the difference?