I haven’t seen all the shows. And I’m not a purist, the show script doesn’t have to follow the books as scripts are creations of the show writers. I just enjoy seeing it come to life on screen. I enjoyed season 1 with all the faults and all. have mixed feelings about season 2 so far. I just want to hear what others’ thoughts are on it.

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    If you think really carefully at what you’ve seen/read, you’ll already know some of the answer.

    Maybe spoilery from ending of book 1 onward

    If I were to take a quick stab at it, I’d guess it’s how the broken seal that gets recovered from the eye of the world was actually broken? Rand thinks he is attacking Ba’alzamon’s source of power (by cutting it) but it’s actually the binds of the seals?

    No need to correct me or anything if it’s spoilery … just thought I’d share what my initial guess was/is.

    • @abraxasM
      10 months ago

      Pretty much spot on. I meant regarding Ba’alzamon’s fate directly, though. The show tells us straight out what the books allude to for a little while.

      Honestly, the spoiler I’m referring to is so obvious you probably think I’m referring to something else, but what I’m referencing is not clearly mentioned in the books for a bit longer. And of Book 2 or early Book 3 I think. Moiraine has said it directly twice in the show, though. About Ba’alzamon’s nature.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Yea … not sure what you’re referring to here … but that’s ok … I’ll keep reading! Thanks again!!

        • @abraxasM
          310 months ago

          Fair enough :)

          It’s probably something so obvious to you that you didn’t realize it was being kept secret in the books. Either way, have a great day and enjoy!