If Ryan Cohen took a salary in that leauge the bear thesis would still be alive and the turnaround of GameStop might never happen (or be significantly delayed). My executive chairman has other plans 🙌

  • ChickenBoo
    3510 months ago

    Why should the shareholders interest even be prioritized. What about customers? Or employees? Or the business itself?

    This priority on short term profits for stock price is toxic to functional capitalism.

    • The Snark Urge
      410 months ago

      I agree more than I disagree actually, but the nuance I’d add is that I think share price should be much less of a focus than company profitability and dividends, as the whole point of owning stock is in owning the excess profits. Trading firms have made the markets into a casino while low Fed rates have made actual profitability more of a side quest for most publicly traded companies. Look at Rivian, nearly worth a trillion dollars before they even had full production? Ludicrous speculation at the cost of everything is the main course for most traders.

      Aside from discussing the urgent need for market reforms to make sure companies trade more closely to their fundamental value, I spend more of my time worrying about customers and workers as well. We have a nation addicted to literal slavery through the 13th amendment, it’s a disgrace. Putting more people in prison is literally in the interest of certain for-profit prison company shareholders. It’s sick.

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      OK some priority is reasonable, the company needs to make some money to pay for investments.

      But I absolutely agree, why are we rewarding companies that are practically doing con jobs on their customers?

      • @krey
        9 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Why would you buy stock, if they can’t make money for investments?

          Issuing new stock is mostly for startups and major changes in the business. Not for the normal progression of a company.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Saint Milton Friedman (bless him) said that the only societal responsibility of a CEO is to increase the wealth of the company’s shareholders.

      You wouldn’t want the CEOs to disobey the sanctified word of Mimil? The shareholders could go broke, and then how would the wealth treacle down? Did you think of this? No, you only think about not starving, you egoistical prole.

    • @[email protected]
      -210 months ago

      Why should a car owners commute be prioritized… what about disabled? Or downtroden? Or the dealership itself?

      This priority on personal vehicals for daily use is toxic to functional transport.

      • Rozaŭtuno
        410 months ago

        This priority on personal vehicals for daily use is toxic to functional transport

        Unironically yes. Check out Strong Towns.