It’s September and my summer top is done, which means one thing: My longtime WIP (once frogged, now being re-knitted) is out of the drawer and ready to cover everything in red hair!

Unfortunately, it also means that I’m using my old basic circulars again because I superstitious and afraid of changing needles mid-project). Significantly lesser knitting experience compared to my beloved Reflections.

  • @[email protected]M
    710 months ago

    That colour is everything to me 🧡 Better luck with it this time!

    My contribution to WIP day is progress on my snuggly green Justyna Jumper. It’d been sitting for a while (because sleeves) but the #FallFinishAlong over on Mastodon really has my arse in gear.

    green knitted jumper, missing most of one sleeve

    One sleeve finished, the other immediately picked up and started so I didn’t lose steam. Making good progress now. And shoutout to @[email protected] because that much simpler elastic bind-off you put me onto recently has been a gamechanger for the cuffs 😆

    • @[email protected]OP
      10 months ago

      It sounds like you’ll have it on time for winter - and it looks so warm! Love the saturated green!

      • @[email protected]M
        210 months ago

        If all my clothes weren’t black, they’d definitely be green as a second choice 😄

        Managed another two whole sleeve rounds last night after posting this too so you know, totes storming along…

        • @[email protected]OP
          210 months ago

          Totally know what you mean. My clothes are mostly plain black/brown/grey because these colours are a safe bet for me. I’m weary of taking a colour risk when I’ll put so much time and effort in making a garment…“Luckily”, knitting with black yarn is such a pain in the eye that I’m forced to pick a colour :)

          • @[email protected]M
            210 months ago

            Hah, yup, I ended up having to set a strict colour palette for myself because otherwise I was just picking weird bright colours at random that were fun to knit or sew or whatever, but that I never wore! Just not a colourful person deep down, I guess.

            (my palette is like, black, dark green, dark blue, purple etc…embracing my inner witch)

            • @QTpi
              210 months ago

              As a person with a cool winter complexion, I resemble that last remark 🤣. My wardrobe is totally in that comment. I’ve been trying to branch out but I keep coming back.