Italy’s far-right prime minister has said she will not allow the country to become “Europe’s refugee camp”, after thousands of people seeking refuge landed on its shores, prompting France to tighten controls at its border with Italy.

Giorgia Meloni told the UN general assembly in New York that the huge numbers arriving in Lampedusa, a tiny Sicilian island that for years has been the first port of call for people crossing a perilous stretch of the Mediterranean Sea from north Africa, had placed Italy “under incredible pressure”.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    “I know nothing about this person, here’s why I’m defending them anyways”

    lol, uh huh

    • cyruseuros
      110 months ago

      And in case the passive-aggressive - and really childish - “lol, uh huh” was meant to imply I was somehow covertly politically aligned with her; I’m both on the wrong continent and on the wrong side of the political spectrum for that.

      Please consider shaking this bad-faith miscaracterization/so-you’re-saying quote + snarky comment 1-2 combo. It’s not very helpful to anyone - yourself in particular - thought it might feel like it.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Being disingenuous and saying you don’t know someone when you clearly do doesn’t warrant any proper response, people arguing in bad faith isn’t a new concept

        • cyruseuros
          110 months ago

          I tried to be as charitable as I could here, I really did. Clearly you don’t share the same approach to life. That’s alright, it typically passes after college.

          I don’t know what to tell you other than I spent my entire adult life in Asia, having left Europe in large part because I didn’t feel welcome there due to a mixture of my skin color and my ethnicity. I stopped following political developments there ages ago, and this is the first time I heard this woman’s name.

          I also happen to be heavily left leaning, and I am sick of people I politically align with, who are too busy being professionally outraged to get anything done. Change hearts and minds; stop looking for “snapplause” moments. Those people already agree with you. You’ve done nothing, won nothing, but a dopamine shot.

          …I suspect the bits of personal information above matter to you for some reason, and that makes me profoundly sad. I wish you the best, and I hope that one day your heart opens just a crack more.

    • cyruseuros
      010 months ago

      I neither have nor had any intention of defending her.

      My only intention was to point out the effect the approach above - and now below - has one somene with absolutely no dog in this fight.

      While I am a sample of one, that’s an interesting data point for someone looking to advance their political view point - less so for someone looking to score internet points.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Dude, Lemmy is a shit hole for political discourse. It’s just an outrage echo chamber. The best we can do is call someone fascist, get our applause, and move on.

        • cyruseuros
          210 months ago

          I really had hoped for something better on the fediverse, but I am noticing a move in that direction. At the same time, I’ve had some rather heartwarming interactions here. I’m still holding out hope…

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            I’m hoping as the user base grows the quality of the discourse will improve but I’m not holding my breath.