• @[email protected]
    510 months ago

    If people vote for their own chains in a free and democratic society, they deserve to get what they want. Now whether we still have such a society is debatable. But I still fundamentally believe that any and all forms of censorship are the wrong way to go and will only accelerate the decline into totalitarianism.

    So, how about we agree to disagree, mate? ; )

    • @TopRamenBinLaden
      710 months ago

      I weirdly agree as much as I hate racist wannabe genociders. I think freedom of speech is important even if it is hateful speech that I don’t agree with. I don’t think it should be up to the legal system to decide what’s okay to say and what isn’t. That’s a slippery slope that can quickly go badly with the wrong people in power.

      That being said, I am most definitely going to look the other way if I see a person getting stomped out for being racist. I would personally make them feel unwelcome in anyway I could. I think it should be left up to the people to make it known that intolerant assholes get intolerant treatment, I guess is what I am getting at.

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      If people vote for their own chains in a free and democratic society, they deserve to get what they want.

      They aren’t only voting for their own fate but for the fate of everyone else. So 51% can doom everyone. That hardly seems fair.

      But I still fundamentally believe that any and all forms of censorship are the wrong way to go and will only accelerate the decline into totalitarianism.

      This always ignores how very dangerous uncensored words can be. Hitler is famous for his speeches and not for his military brilliance! So is Mussolini. They both abused lenient and weak democratic systems to talk their way into power resulting in the literal Holocaust and one of the most devestating war the world has ever seen.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      I’ll bet that most who think they live in a free and democratic society do not actually.