• @[email protected]
    1469 months ago

    Hey, thats me.

    For the record, the article doesn’t mention anything about islam or Muslims, and the comments in the post neither, so the mods saw “homophobic attack” and went “better remove it because Islamophobia”

    • Omega
      479 months ago

      Ironically, very Islamophobic of the mods.

    • Cyclohexane
      149 months ago

      Mods are like: hey, sorry we had to delete your post. Blame the Muslims!

    • @[email protected]
      -119 months ago

      Maybe the mods have been on the internet for more than a week and knows what happens in those sorts of comment sections and don’t want to sit at their computers all day dealing with that shit?

      Do any of you people think before screaming injustice and reverse racism?

    • @[email protected]
      -459 months ago

      I mean if you were going to guess the religion of those involved… yeah, Islam would be the one right?

      Moderations pretty hard tbh, sorry your post got taken down bro.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        I’ve heard absolute loads of homophobic BS from Christians and especially anti-trans stuff lately, so fuck off with the singling out Islam bigotry. All religious people are capable of hate, as much as they claim to be above it all (at least the ones dumb enough to openly express hate).

        • @[email protected]
          139 months ago

          I agree with you that all religions are shit, but I think it’s important and we should be able to point out when a specific religion is fucking us up.

          In Berlin there has been a lot of homophobic attacks coming from the muslim community, especially in that area where there are a lot of them.

          Maybe you were unware of that, but I think its very very likely that the attackers were muslims.

          That doesn’t mean that Christianity is better, nor any other religion, but do we really need to be pointing out the homophobia in the muslim religion and ALWAYS followed by and Christianity is also shitty? There are posts criticizing the homophobic and transphobic acts that Christians have been doing lately too.

        • PP_GIRL_
          109 months ago

          Okay but give me one theocratic Christian country that openly kills people for being gay. We’re not going to abolish bigotry in the world without admitting that the Middle East and Islam is especially fucked up when it comes to LGBT rights

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          yes but if you read the article linked in the reddit theread anouther comment mentioned this was in Berlin-Neukölln, which is predominantly muslim and known to have issues with (esp. young men/boys) radicals opposing queer people.

          • @[email protected]
            09 months ago

            Yes, but if you read my message again, it’s responding to someone attempting to claim Islam is worse. It is not.

            I seriously hope the US doesn’t have to go ALL the way down the road of fascism to prove to the world that Christians are just as bigoted and stupid. Just because our news refuses to label so many hate crimes and acts of violence as bigoted hate crimes does not absolve non-Islam religions.

            • @[email protected]
              29 months ago

              I totally agree that christians (or any religion/religion-like structure) can be and in the case of Christianity often is just as bad.

              it’s responding to someone claiming islam is worse that’s not how I read the comment. I read it as in this case it would make sense to assume the attackers were muslims. My response was intended to say that in this exact case that would probably be a reasonable assumption.

              I want to make it clear that I do not think that it is generally significantly more likely for the islam faith to cause queerphobia than it would be for any other one. It is just that in this particular region (Berlin-Neukölln) and demographic (young men) that would be the most likely perputrators.

      • Cyclohexane
        39 months ago

        The vast majority of anti-LGBT attacks in Europe, or even Germany specifically, are not Muslim.

        • @Meowoem
          69 months ago

          In India both Hindu and Sikh community’s have avid followers who’ve done homophobic attacks, they don’t get as much attention because of all the other violence they do such as against women

            • @Meowoem
              19 months ago

              I’ve had many long conversations with a gay Indian friend, his experiences really don’t match the rose tinted version of things you’re portraying.

              And of course we don’t even need to go into the treatment of women everywhere but the middle class portions of the nose progressive cities, everyone is very well aware of the problems.

        • Cyclohexane
          39 months ago

          Homophobia is not a religion-only issue. There are many LGBT hate crimes happening all over the world and all the time. The world in its entirity has failed LGBT, and to single out Muslims or Christians is to ignore those issues happening in other places.

        • @TopRamenBinLaden
          9 months ago

          Christians are obsessed with persecuting LGBT as well, but Islam is on a whole other level. People are still getting stoned to death for being LGBT in Muslim countries. This is supported by their laws. In any Christian majority country, they would be thrown in prison for murder for doing this, at the very least. In some Muslim countries, you would be thrown in prison for trying to stop the murder.

          I’m not saying that Christians never commit acts of violence against LGBT, but Muslims do so a lot more in current times.

          In my opinion, the world would be better off without all of the Abrahamic religions. Is being an Abrahamicphobe wrong?

            • @TopRamenBinLaden
              9 months ago

              I do think they are salivating to do the same. They just aren’t in charge of any countries. Not all Muslims are bad either, but a good chunk of the worst ones seem to be in charge of some whole countries in an authoritarian way. That’s the difference.

              I said that both are terrible for the world, and I hate them both equally. I have Islamic family, and I still hate it.

              Also, idk why you had to downvote me. Just conversating here. Just sharing the fact that, in reality, LGBT are being killed by one group in particular. Hope you have a nice day ya crabapple.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          Sure it could be. Just wondering are you a muslim? I mean I know that there are progressive muslims. Not trying to attack you or anything :)