• @spacecowboy
      119 months ago

      Every law that is written has loopholes (whether intentional or not). The people who those laws affect exploit those loopholes to their advantage.

      Laws are made up and easily ignored, sidestepped, weakened, etc.

      Employers would pay you in daily food rations if they could get away with it. They’d also keep you locked up where you worked and you’d work days a week.

      I’m hoping you’re just young and don’t know about labour history yet.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        I dont know, there are plenty of countries that have solved these issues successfully, and many other US issues as well. I agree no law is perfect, but I’m sure you’d agree there’s certainly room for improvement in the current set in the US specifically.

        I’m not young, I’ve spent many years criticizing US labor laws. I think Unions are a bandaid not available to most people.

        That said, I hope the Union wins this for the workers of that specific industry, and for everyone else out there… Good fucking luck with your $7/hr and no insurance.

        I do appreciate the only response I got without name calling. I didn’t think wanting fair labor laws would trigger the side I’m on against me.

    • @ellabee
      69 months ago

      we need both. because, at least in the US, money speaks really loudly about what laws we get, and can drown out the voices of the majority. so we need to put pressure on both our legislators and the people with money - generally, the employers/corporations- to fund, support, and pass regulations. which will only work until the unscrupulous assholes find loopholes, but that’s how it goes.

      • @[email protected]
        -59 months ago

        So if better labor laws is the goal, and unions are the vehicle, then better labor laws fixes this… I’m not anti union, I’m pro workers rights. All workers. I know its a pipe dream that will never happen, but I stand by my comment. If these workers didn’t need to pay dues and strike to get fair compensation due to it being required by law, it would be an improvement.

        • @spacecowboy
          59 months ago

          What do you think drives workers rights legislation?

          • @[email protected]
            09 months ago

            Nothing. 7.25/hr with no sick/vacation time or insurance/retirement of any kind isn’t exactly winning

            • @spacecowboy
              29 months ago

              Pray tell, when did the big old dick of American legislature start to turn against unions? Oh about the time 7.25 was legislated to be the minimum wage.

              Read. Educate yourself.

              You believe the propaganda that they feed you. Stop being ignorant.

                • @spacecowboy
                  09 months ago

                  You’re not fucking listening dude. I tried being nice and explaining it to you but you just double down on “wE NeEd MoRe LaBouR lAwS” as if that isn’t fucking obvious.

                  That will never happen without unions. Whether or not you want to admit it, you NEED unions.

                  If you can’t accept that then fuck off and don’t bother responding anymore.

                  • @[email protected]
                    09 months ago

                    So you agree! Thank you, it is obvious we need better labor laws. I thought we were going to continue to butt heads for a little bit. Glad you came around. See, I’m listening.

      • @[email protected]
        -89 months ago

        Reduced to name calling that fast huh? Couldn’t be more wrong as well. What’s next, blaming generations?

    • Evie
      39 months ago

      Except they haven’t, so yes, we should… disingenuous basssstard

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        That way only union members get fair pay. Most people dont have a union to join. More name calling for suggesting fixing the root of the problem? Good talk.

        • @spacecowboy
          49 months ago

          I would just like to point out that when unions get what they ask for, non union jobs in the same sector reap those benefits as well.

          If non union jobs want to employ people they need to be competitive, which raises the wages for non union jobs.

          There is plenty of evidence and research on this topic.

          I won’t call you names but you do appear to be naive on the topic, so I suggest you do some reading on the subject and refrain from posting what you believe is fact.

          • @[email protected]
            -39 months ago

            Better labor laws also lead to better jobs. There’s plenty of evidence on that topic. If unions get us there, go unions. So far, they haven’t.

            • @spacecowboy
              39 months ago

              Do you know how we got to a 5 day / 40 hour work week? Unions.

              Every good thing that you currently have protecting you at work is because of unions. Unions drive laws.

              I wasn’t sure if you were just ignorant to the history or you’re just a anti union troll.

              Either way, what you’re spouting is incorrect and I again implore you to do some fucking research because at this point you are only here to speak misinformation.

              • @[email protected]
                09 months ago

                I work 6 days a week, 10 hour days.

                My insurance sucks, I have no sick time, no retirement, only a couple holidays a year

                If labor laws were improved, my life would improve

                If labor laws were improved, every union members life would improve

                What the fuck are you people fighting for if its not an improvement in labor laws?

                • @spacecowboy
                  09 months ago

                  They are but those labour laws are brought up BECAUSE OF UNIONS. You do not get favourable labour laws without unions pushing for them.

                  You have it shitty right now because American corporations buy legislation. Unions are the best defence against that.

                  Unions are necessary for labour laws that benefit the workers. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Nobody is going to pass legislation making your labour more profitable for you unless there is an entity that holds some power (unions) holding them accountable to do so.

                  Again, stop trying to change minds here. You are naive and ignorant to this subject.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -19 months ago

                    So if I had said:

                    (Improved) labor laws (obtained through the means of a union) fixes this

                    Would we be high fiving right now? You must be one of those union guys that stands around and does nothing cause you paid your dues and are untouchable. You dont want workers rights, you want a free ride

        • ProdigalFrogOP
          9 months ago

          Most people dont have a union to join.

          All the more reason to try and unionize their non-union job. The IWW will gladly help you unionize with your coworkers.

          • @[email protected]
            09 months ago

            I’m fortunate to live in a state with better laws than federal, and have a marketable skill anyways. I’d love some more vacation/sick days and decent health care, but that’s america. Definitely no unions happening where I work.

        • hypelightfly
          29 months ago

          Unions are the source of basically all labor laws. Unions fix this.