Western countries have for too long acquiesced to the Indian government’s abuses

  • @merc
    119 months ago

    That doesn’t really matter. What matters is that he was in Canada at the time.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      Bin Laden was in Afghanistan, and then later in Pakistan. The US didn’t inform or take permission from Pakistan to send in SEAL Team 6 to kill him. Nijjar was wanted for the murder of 6 innocent people in a cinema hall bombing in Punjab, India.

      • @merc
        11 month ago

        Nijjar was wanted

        As in, was a suspect? I assume he was never tried?

        The US didn’t inform or take permission from Pakistan to send in SEAL Team 6 to kill him.

        Yes, the US gets to throw their weight around because nobody wants to go to war against them. It doesn’t make it right.