• ripcord
    10 months ago

    In general I agree, but this kind of corruption has become pretty normalized in Congress, I think.

    Look at how many Senators and other congresspeople have become millionaires (or much, much wealthier) while in office. It’s not all insider trading - there’s so many special favors being done, “consulting fees” being paid to family members. Campaign “contributions” that find their way into pockets via thinly veiled (or deeply hidden) laundering, special payments/contracts for existing business interests, etc. I don’t usually go for “both sides” arguments but the kind of corruption is widespread. Even if the GOP seems to be doing it more.

    I’m just really happy to see someone actually investigated and charged for a change. No matter which party. This kind of corruption needs aggressively stamped out everywhere, it should be in the top 3 priorities for our government.

    But I’ll be amazed if it isn’t shut down like the last charges against this piece of garbage.

    • @[email protected]
      810 months ago

      Book deals are, imo, one of the main vehicles of money transfer. Get a ghost writer, publish a book, your friendly superPAC orders 100000, clean cash in your pocket.

    • Sabata11792
      310 months ago

      Bribery is perfectly legal as long as it goes though the right systems and they call it lobbying. Some one missed some paperwork.