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This is a classic case of tragedy of the commons, where a common resource is harmed by the profit interests of individuals. The traditional example of this is a public field that cattle can graze upon. Without any limits, individual cattle owners have an incentive to overgraze the land, destroying its value to everybody.

We have commons on the internet, too. Despite all of its toxic corners, it is still full of vibrant portions that serve the public good — places like Wikipedia and Reddit forums, where volunteers often share knowledge in good faith and work hard to keep bad actors at bay.

But these commons are now being overgrazed by rapacious tech companies that seek to feed all of the human wisdom, expertise, humor, anecdotes and advice they find in these places into their for-profit A.I. systems.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Oh yeah. Fair play. Hadn’t considered a person’s reaction to the word. I just wondered why the 2 other crimes were fine but that wasn’t.

      • 👁️👄👁️
        10 months ago

        One triggers trauma and the other you do in video games on the regular

        Also the voting is so weird in your conversation, they were being considerate in censoring the word and was downvoted for saying why? Bandwagon voting is so weird, makes me wonder if they read the comment or just look at the numbers.