• @[email protected]
    119 months ago

    I’m from the UK and from the North. Don’t try and understand the stupidity of these people from these areas as economically developed as the worst parts of former soviet states now in the EU. These areas received a lot of EU development funding and still voted for Brexit AND the Tories (in 2019) that imposed austerity that made their post 2008 lives worse.

    They are thick as mince and deserve the ridicule as much as the lying brexit politicians deserve jail time.

    The only hope to not repeating the mistakes is the best quality education for as many people as possible. This hopefully enough of the smart ones from these areas are politically aware and active enough to offset the manipulation of the morons.

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      I think conservatives voting against their own interests is a very well established trope. Certainly is in Australia.

      Plenty of octogenarians who vote conservative while complaining their pension is too low and they can’t afford rent.