• @TopShelfVanilla
    010 months ago

    While word salad is a lovely side dish to serve with total bullshit none of us is eating what you’re serving up. Your writing smells like a 14 year old’s attempt at intellectual edgy. Chat GPT come up with that for you? Your generation was supposed to be creative and interesting. You are proving yourself to be lazy and boring. Trying to impress strangers on the Internet. How lame can you get?

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Dude, chill already. I’m just using language creatively and calmly explaining my reasons for doing so and how it’s a perfectly normal thing to do rather than categorically wrong and an assault on the language itself. Nothing “edgy” about that.

      Btw, your assumptions are not only extremely ageist, they’re also flat out wrong on every count: I’m 40, not 14, you’re the one being intellectually lazy and boring by stubbornly sticking to an ultra-strict interpretation of etymology, and I’ve never used ChatGPT for anything, let alone for explaining to a blowhard like you how language can be flexible 😂

      Seems you’re right about being vanilla, but top shelf? Not so much 🙄

      • @TopShelfVanilla
        010 months ago

        Language is flexible, but it’s not a contortionist. You ran into the room claiming red was now blue because you said so and that’s not how anything works. At forty you should know better. Instead, you choose to obfuscate and avoid and hide behind isms and stay wrong. That’s cool.

        • @[email protected]
          010 months ago

          😴 I can see that I’m not going to get anything but overdramatic mischaracterizarion and unearned condescension out of you, so let’s just stop here. Have the day you deserve.