• @mindbleach
    59 months ago

    I used reddit exclusively in the browser, but the admins declaring their empty box full of free labor would not tolerate the slightest backsass from that unpaid workforce was a sign to head for the exits.

    Not aided by how many communities there (and here) think “be nice or else” is a sane policy. Appropriate behavior often involves telling someone they’re being an asshole and they need to stop. If moderators want to be the only ones who get to do that… they better be on that shit immediately and always. Otherwise the rule just shields deliberate abuse from conversational rebuke.

    A community about knitting can expect “friendly.” Politics are different. If you expect political discussion to be both polite and constructive, sometimes you are mistaken. If assholes can keep repeating ‘well I don’t see the problem!’ in the face of repeated explanation, and you don’t let people speak like adults in the face of that childish trolling, those assholes are who the forum is for.