• @HenriVolney
    39 months ago

    No one signed up for political union.> You’re right. No one signed up for common borrowing either, still we had it after Covid and would never have had it with the UK.

    The companies you are talking about are the ones to build euro EVs. Would you rather they carried on with ICE?

    They built the most polluting diesel tank-size cars for decade, lying about their emissions, promoting ever bigger and more powerful cars to wealthy people. Now they are selling 2-ton electric SUVs to overpriviledged suburban moms.

    You can have theses companies, along with Bentley and Land Rover. Except without renegotiated treaties.

    Anyway, what we need is less cars.

    • Bernie EcclestonedOP
      9 months ago

      True, they’ve also done awful deals with China for slave Uighur labour, just like they did with Hungarian Jews before. Fuck them.


      We do need fewer cars, mine sits there for 95% of the time depreciating. I don’t want to own one, I have to.

      Flights need to be taxed to fuck, and that money put into high speed rail. The UK is way behind Europe’s rail systems, it’s been fucked back into private disparate networks by moronic politicians.