So I made a small little command-line utility for myself just for practice, but I had a hard time figuring out how to actually turn it into something I can just use on the command line with no fuss. It uses a virtual environment as Python packages should, so it needs to be run in that environment and I was having trouble figuring out how to do it.

But then I remembered that pipx runs application in a virtual environment, and after checking the docs, I found out that it allows installing local packages by just pointing install at the package directory. So I did, and after setting up the command name as a project script that points to main it ended up working.

I haven’t ever heard of anyone doing something like this for a personal program though. Is something like this a bad idea? Is it over engineering or error prone? Is there another way that most people do something like this?

  • santa
    2 年前

    Great ideas! You can also set top of script to be:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3

    That way it will work with environment Python. Runs against venv, as well.