I’ve never been sentimental about a social media site but it’s sad for me to see reddit so clearly killing itself. Pushshift is already banned and Apollo is soon to follow. Reddit will either pivot fully to a mainstream audience or die out. It’s just sad for me to see it doing it to itself.

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    Honestly, I feel disappointment. What reddit was, or at least how I saw it, is not what was on display for the past few weeks.

    But my excitement for new things is awesome! I miss the days of stumbling across new, exciting, and weird sites instead of 1 all powerful site. The feeling of starting something anew is fun, and I’m looking forward to learning how to use and defining what this site is with y’all.

    • @[email protected]
      151 year ago

      I was part of the Digg migration. I’m part of the Reddit migration. I’ll be part of the next migration.

      The impermanence of life.

      • @sprocket
        61 year ago

        It’s migration all the way down!