In leftist spaces, right-leaning ideas are challenged. In right-leaning spaces, leftists are banned and leftist ideas are censored. Why are conservatives opposed to the free marketplace of ideas?

Serious question.

  • @mindbleach
    -19 months ago

    Shout-out to the bigot whose hot take underlined the “pretend everyone does it” part. Threatening death over being asked to say anything else. Blaming their violent outburst on polite explanations of what trolling is and how they’re doing it.

    The party of free speech, ladies and gentlemen, hurling slurs over being asked what they think.

      • @mindbleach
        -19 months ago

        ‘You should explain yourself.’

        ‘You should kill yourself. Subhuman.’

        That’s nice. We’ll never talk again. Hope you have a second instance picked out.