• @Ashyr
    139 months ago

    Yeah, whether or not he should be expelled from Congress isn’t for me to say, but he should face serious repercussions for this. Pulling a fire alarm without a genuine emergency is often illegal, at the very least. Doing it to potentially disrupt the function of Congress is even more serious.

    I have a handful of guesses why a democrat would do it, but, at the end of the day, they just help me understand and empathize with him as a human, not excuse his behavior.

    • @[email protected]
      139 months ago

      Yeah, whether or not he should be expelled from Congress isn’t for me to say

      I’ll take that responsibility then: he shouldn’t and it’s a comically stupid thing for that other rep to suggest. The guy who lied about every aspect of his life to get elected wasn’t expelled for it. A guy who posted a video depicting the death of another congresswoman wasn’t expelled. The last person to be expelled from Congress was after he was convicted of bribery and racketeering.