• @mindbleach
    19 months ago

    Fascists adopt whatever labels sound good. That’s not the same thing as people honestly trying and things going wrong.

    Are you saying every single communist movement that’s ever risen to national influence was a false flag operation? That not just once or twice, but every time a leftist movement successfully established power, they were either complete frauds like the god-damned Nazis, or so compromised from within that they might as well be?

    Because that would still reflect terribly on any movement saying the same things as those efforts.

    My guy. I’m the one saying efforts toward communism have a terrible track record of entering a failure mode, to the point it makes perfect sense for “communist countries” to be a label for the dictatorships resulting from let’s-do-a-communism-whoops revolutions. I get to say ‘if you want that goal don’t take that path.’ But what you’re describing sounds like condemning anyone with that goal, since it seems there are zero examples of anyone getting anywhere.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      Every movement creating a vanguard party, yes. Those revolutions never even attempted to give power to workers so failing to even attempt the core principal of communism is quite telling. You can claim they were communist but if you look at the principals of communism then those countries allign more with fascism than communism.