I’ve noticed that any community I’ve subscribed to that’s on a different server is showing on my list as “subscription pending”. Everything seems to work though, I can still comment and post on these communities without a problem, so I’m not too concerned about that.

However I do have one other question about it. I’ve experienced difficulty finding communities that are not on this server, and been told its because no-one from this server has subscribed to it yet. But… if subscriptions to other servers’ communities are always “pending”, that means no-one from this server ever actually can properly subscribe to them. Does this mean that the difficulties will persist regardless? Or is a “pending” subscription sufficient?

  • Swarming
    21 year ago

    Any other notable changes in 0.18-rc6?

    • Lodion 🇦🇺
      41 year ago

      Devs removed websockets, uses plain HTTP now as I understand it. Should help with subscriptions, and odd scrolling of old content appearing.