• @[email protected]
    379 months ago

    Edge was a win when it first came out. It had its own rendering engine, was fast and svelte.

    Now it’s just another bloated Chrome clone overstuffed with privacy-invading marketing features.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Same story every time. Something good turns into shit because they need to add marketing.

      I’m shocked Microsoft hasnt fucked up VS Code yet. Someone much smarter than average is running that team at Microsoft.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        Nah the future for VS Code looks dark imo. They own VS Code, Github, NPM and Copilot and everything they touch turns into shit.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        It turned bad because a bunch of users refused to use it because they remembered never updating past IE8 and made jokes about it lagging behind the competition

        VS Code is the fucked up version of Code OSS

      • @ricecake
        39 months ago

        It’s because they make their devtool money off of enterprise licensing costs, and they get those costs by getting developers to be okay using their devtools.
        The tool is the advertisement for building software for Windows. If it gets too miserable to use the tools or build for the ecosystem, then some companies won’t prioritize windows software, and developers will prefer jobs doing something else. It’s got to be good enough so that decision makers at software companies don’t start hearing that windows software takes three quarters longer to develop.
        Web developers are already targeting their browser as an afterthought, and mobile developers are pretty pulled into to apple ecosystem, since you can develop android apps on a Mac, but you can only use a Mac to make iPhone apps.

        Without developers, applications lag, and they lose business and consumer market share, which costs them more developers.
        Hence: visual studio is fine, and they keep adding azure features to GitHub and tying it all to visual studio.