EU has done really well on passing big laws such as GDPR in the recent years, while the US can’t even seem to decide whether to fund their own government. Why do you think Europe is doing better than the US? One would think that since EU is more diverse it would be harder to find common ground. And there were examples of that during the Greece debt crisis. But not anymore, it seems.

  • Bernie Ecclestoned
    8 months ago

    I’d agree if there was a level playing field, but there isn’t, those with the most money get the most influence. It is a form of corruption.

    It’s known as caviar diplomacy

    Between 2012 and 2014, the Azerbaijan regime allegedly channeled billions of dollars through offshore companies to launder money and pay for bribes. That strategy was since dubbed “caviar diplomacy” after a report in which a senior Azerbaijani policymaker said: “There are a lot of deputies in the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly whose first greeting, after ‘Hello,’ is ‘Where is the caviar?’