Chicken prices at U.S. grocery stores have hit record highs and should stay elevated as Tyson Foods and other companies dial back poultry production to boost margins while inflation-weary shoppers buy chicken instead of beef and pork.

Higher chicken prices should improve earnings at top producers Tyson (TSN.N) and Pilgrim’s Pride (PPC.O), but will pinch consumers’ pockets as they try to save money by turning away from higher-end proteins. One index shows chicken producer profit margins at their highest in a year.

U.S. consumption of chicken is expected to exceed 100 pounds per person this year for the first time ever, data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows.

Beef consumption is forecast to drop to its lowest since 2018, as prices climb due to dwindling cattle supplies. Meanwhile, consumer spending cuts have knocked pork consumption to the lowest since 2015.

Arkansas-based Tyson, which sells all three types of meat, had to deal with a glut of chicken after earning massive profits when meat prices soared during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Qwaffle_waffle
    1 年前

    For the number of meals in a year, there’s 1095 (365 * 3), not including forth meals, snacks, etc. For 100 pounds, let’s convert it to ounces, so 1600 oz.

    Assuming 8 oz (half pound) for a single meal meal. Normal weight of a single chicken breast is 6 ounces, but there are some factors I’m not sure about (is bone weight included, raw or cooked weight, etc), so rounding up to 8 to cover those.

    That works out to 200 meals with 8 oz chicken to reach the 100 pounds goal. This means not even a quarter of the usual 1095 meals in a year, but rather only around 18% is chicken based. I was a bit skeptical as well, but this seems easier to reach than I thought.

    This in some ways justifies all those pounds of meat from hunting I accrued in playing Oregon Trail lol.

      1 年前

      Ignoring the idea for a second that a whole chicken breast could be considered breakfast food, that’s still eating a big portion of chicken 4 days a week.

      That would only sound reasonable to me if the only meat source in the country was chicken, but looking at the stats Americans also eat an average of 125lb of red meat a year on top of that. Probably not a lot of fish.

      And that’s before all the snacks and junk food. I’m starting to see why obesity rates are as high as they are.