• YeetPics
    369 months ago

    This is an event from the past which is being echoed in the present.

    It’s strange, I know… sometimes people look at the past to better assess how to handle the present or to better know what to expect from the future.

    • Spzi
      39 months ago

      Alright, thanks for the answer. I found the snarky addition pretty unecessary. What’s up with people here? So much hostility around.

      I tried to understand the image and asked for help. Got it, thanked. Where’s the need for downvotes or sarcasm in that?

      Maybe that is living “A Boring Dystopia”, but I think we can and should do better.

      • YeetPics
        9 months ago

        I mean at first glance I see a title for an article, a short description of the scope of the article and a picture from a past article that echoes the same concept.

        This article (I haven’t seen it linked) is likely about books being banned.

        What’s with the snarky replies? Well, you seem to be asking in bad faith and are being treated as such. I’m sorry if that’s in error. If you’re genuinely asking these questions it’s a safe assumption having it explained clearly might help you. If you can sense the “snark” you can certainly parse the topic of this article from the screenshot.

        • Spzi
          39 months ago

          you seem to be asking in bad faith and are being treated as such. I’m sorry if that’s in error.

          Yes, it was a genuine question. I hope this community isn’t always that way.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            Don’t worry, I understood you had a question and wasn’t sure why you were downvoted. Seriously just don’t worry about the downvotes, it’s 2023 there’s going to be snark on the internet

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        I think it’s because you were mistaken for a concern troll, “just asking questions” but intended to not people down.

        From your first response, it wasn’t possible to tell if you genuinely wanted more information, or were gearing up for some bad faith arguments.

        • Spzi
          09 months ago

          I hate to put so much thought and disclaimers into simple questions but I understand where this is coming from. It’s alright.